Q: How long will my order take to arrive?
A: In short, it takes a minimum of 10-15 working days after you’ve placed your order.
If your order is placed on 5th June, and we collate all orders on 9th June (Sundays), your order's ETA would be 21-28 June (10-15 Working Days).
Q: When can I pickup?
A: You should receive an email once your order is ready for collection.
You can find this email in the email you've input when you were checking out.
Q: What time and days can I pickup?
A: Monday to Friday: 11am-7pm
Saturday to Sunday: 12pm-6pm
We're always open on Public Holidays, but if you're unsure, you can send us a message!
Q: Can I combine my orders if I place multiple? (e.g. self pickup for one, courier for another)
A: We would love to so everyone can save on shipping, but to prevent any confusion, every order will be fulfilled separately.
Q: If I’ve selected self collect at first, and am not able to collect it when it arrives, can I still arrange for courier?
A: Yes you may. Send us a DM on Instagram @cherucrystals. State your order number, name, number, and address, and request for courier.
We will require you to top an additional $5 via PayNow/PayLah! and we will manually arrange the courier for you.
Q: How do I measure my wrist size?
A: Using a measuring tape, go around your wrist tightly and find your wrist in centimetres (CM).
If you’re someone that prefers a loose fit, you may size up +0.5cm.
If you're someone that prefers a snug fit, remain at the size you've measured.
Q: If I didn’t opt for resizing when I purchased, and found out that I needed to resize when I receive my bracelet, can I do so?
A: Yes you may. Please contact us on Instagram @cherucrystals.
Resizing per bracelet is $5. You can either bring it down personally or mail it to us.
Q: Would it be possible to resize my bracelet again if my first resize is the wrong size?
A: Yes it is possible but as usual we’ll charge $5 for every bracelet that needs to be resized as we need to restring the entire bracelet again and alter its size and or design.
Q: I suspect that there are issues with my product. What should I do?
A: You can send us a DM on Instagram with photos and videos so that we can help to verify. Natural inclusions and cracks does not count as defects as crystals come from Mother Nature. Hence, they’re bound to have natural imperfections!
If there is anything you are uncertain about, feel free to send us an email at info@cherucrystals.com
Your inquiry will be replied to within 3-5 business days. Our team will be in touch with you!